Copper Project Management Software And How It Can Help

Are you in the market for web based project management software? Are you worried about cost? Well then you should consider Copper Project Management Software by Element Software. Copper Project Management Software is an affordable and completely web based tool. It is perfect for any online team.

Copper Project Management Software is currently being used by leading Fortune 100 companies for design, advertising, media, charity, project development, accounting, and even religion. Copper cuts back on paper use and travel time dramatically, using the latest project management methodologies. This is one of the project management programs that can save you money and the planet's natural resources. All you need to use the Copper project management website is a Mac, PC, or iPhone. Of course you will need an internet connection too, but we're going to assume you already have one of those.

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Copper has revolutionized the industry of project management by offering intuitive client, project, and task views. Copper also offers custom project reports, gantt, file management, time sheets and other features that will ease your management responsibilities. Copper Project Management Software can assist you in organizing your employees and contractors working on a project even if they are strung out across the globe. Multiple users can log in and contribute easily. Managers can assign users to certain tasks and projects and quickly review and report on your portfolio.

Even if you don't have a dedicated IT team you can be up and running Copper Project Management Software in minutes. Copper has fully hosted plans with SSL security. If you do have hosting that is fine too, Copper offers software licenses for your own servers. Choose a package and pricing structure and you'll be collaborating on your first project in no time! There is even a 15 day free trial available for you to test out Copper and see if it will work for you.

Copper Project Management Software is available in various editions, depending on the scale of your project and business. For as low as nine dollars a month you can use Copper for small projects and receive support from Copper's vibrant community. Standard Edition is available for twenty-nine dollars a month and is suitable for medium sized projects. Large businesses and/or projects will require either the Corporate or Enterprise editions. Copper Project Management Software is fast and reliable and well documented and supported both by Element Software and its network of users. You will not regret your decision to use a Copper project management solution.